The Night Sky Notebook Set
This set of pocket notebooks cover the most popular Northern and Southern hemisphere constellations. When you look up at the night sky, it will be the time of year that will determine exactly which of those constellations you will be able to see. Some constellations can always be seen in each hemisphere throughout the year (Ursa Minor and Crux for the Northern and Southern hemisphere respectively).
Constellations were created to allow us to make sensible groupings of the stars and pass that information on through stories. This notebook set feature forty-nine of the eighty-eight modern constellation groupings.
Below is the list of names, meanings, and brightest stars for the constellations used on the covers.
Constellation | Meaning | Brightest Star |
Andromeda | The chained lady or the Princess | Alpheratz |
Aquarius | water-bearer | Sadalsuud |
Aquila | eagle | Altair |
Aries | ram | Hamal |
Auriga | charioteer | Capella |
Boötes | herdsman | Arcturus |
Camelopardalis | giraffe | β Camelopardalis |
Cancer | crab | Tarf |
Canes Venatici | hunting dogs | Cor Caroli |
Canis Major | greater dog | Sirius |
Canis Minor | lesser dog | Procyon |
Capricornus | sea goat | Deneb Algedi |
Cassiopeia | Mythological character | Shedir |
Centaurus | centaur | Alpha Centauri |
Cetus | sea monster | Deneb Kaitos |
Coma Berenices | Berenice's hair | β Comae Berenices |
Crater | cup | Labrum |
Crux | southern cross | Acrux |
Cygnus | swan or Northern Cross | Deneb |
Delphinus | dolphin | Rotanev |
Dorado | dolphinfish | α Doradus |
Draco | dragon | Etamin |
Eridanus | river Eridanus (mythology) | Achernar |
Gemini | twins | Pollux |
Grus | Crane | Alnair |
Hercules | Mythological character | Kornephoros |
Leo | lion | Regulus |
Lepus | hare | Arneb |
Libra | balance | Zubeneshamali |
Lyra | lyre / harp | Vega |
Mensa | Table Mountain (South Africa) | α Mensae |
Ophiuchus | serpent-bearer | Rasalhague |
Orion | Orion (mythological character) | Rigel |
Pavo | peacock | Peacock |
Pegasus | Mythological winged horse | Enif |
Perseus | Mythological character | Mirfak |
Pisces | fishes | Alpherg |
Puppis | poop deck | Naos |
Sagittarius | archer | Kaus Australis |
Scorpius | scorpion | Antares |
Serpens | snake | Unukalhai |
Sextans | sextant | α Sextantis |
Taurus | bull | Aldebaran |
Triangulum Australe | southern triangle | Atria |
Tucana | toucan | α Tucanae |
Ursa Major | great bear | Alioth |
Ursa Minor | lesser bear | Polaris |
Vela | sails | Regor |
Virgo | virgin or maiden | Spica |
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