The New Yorker recently wrote a wonderful piece on how the Moleskin Notebook has managed to succeed in the age of Digital and our "Paperless office" that never quite seemed to take.
I love Moleskins and have been using them for years. Prior to them I used a leather bound line-less notebook during my travels and kept notes and polaroid images. Now days I don't get to travel as much and the film for my polaroid makes it almost pointless to use, but I still use notebooks to jot down my thoughts.
While the Moleskin is a simplistic notebook there is room for improvement. Moleskin use folks like Hemmingway and Picasso as examples of who would use this medium... this simple small notebook for capturing ideas.
At BackPocket I wanted to do more. While there are modern day Hemmingway's and Picasso's the truth of the matter is most of us are not. Most of us could do to learn a little more, and gain some inspiration in the mean time. That's why at BackPocket we're approaching our notebooks with that in mind.
We're focussing on a slightly better cover, something that you can touch and feel. The paper inside is slightly heavier, again to get that wonderful feeling when writing or sketching your ideas. We've also planned a series of covers and inside quotes to help you learn and feel more inspired to do great things... or at least take more notes more often.
I hope you enjoy your BackPocket notebook, and lets hope that Startups begin to side with other startups and use the notebooks that best match their own approach in todays "paperless office".
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