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Getting back to the blog

Getting back to the blog

Hello again, it has been far too long!

We've been busy churning along over here at Back Pocket headquarters and I realised that we've been so busy without letting you know what has been going on.

Shame on me.

Well, over the next couple of weeks I'm going to (try) and post here on a bit more of a regular basis. We'll be putting up some amazing content that we've come acorss from our Stationery friends, giving you the inside scoop on some of our latest sets of notebooks, and taking you on the a couple of stationery walks around London ( thanks to some of our old friends who are doing a series themselves... but credit will be given of course).

Before I go here are a few pictures coming from one of our next articles (and likely a new set of notebooks) around Sir Isaac Newton.

Newton's Notebooks

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