.... and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a.... well actually I'm stirring around the kitchen table preparing all of the RWD Notebooks to be available from Boxing Day.
I really didn't think through when I started the project just how much time it takes to wrap and stick three notebooks together in a set. Some of the notebooks that I've purchased over the past 12 months on this journey have come in loose cellophane, some arrive in shrink wrap and others just arrive loose in an envelope.
Of all the ones I enjoyed the most they all had spent some time with a wrapper, and that's the exact kind of feeling I want you to have when you open your own set, you should feel as though someone took the time to add the sleeve because it makes the notebook just that little bit more special and a little bit more likely to be a good home for your ideas.
Enough wrapping for tonight though, I hear the faint sounds of jingling bells and I must get to bed before Santa arrives.
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